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UnReal for Businesses


UnReal For Businesses

If you run a business that does not have a website, claiming or creating an UnReal Point (URP) is probably just what you need.

Claim and improve your UNrealEstate and make money by ‘renting out’ your advertising space to others, such as your suppliers or to other local businesses.


A URP has the functionality of a small multi-page website with several key advantages that are not provided on other platforms:

  1. Your Business URP is easily updateable in words and images by you or a designated member of your team 24/7. At no extra cost.
  2. This means you can use it tactically as part of your local store marketing and outreach to local customers, updating your special deals and prices immediately.
  3. Your Business URP works on any mobile device, so your customers can access you on mobile, tablet and computer screens.
  4. Your Business URP comes with a Quick Response (QR) code that takes your customers straight to your URP front page, to find out what you have to entice them today. Put your QR code on brochures, business cards, and on your shop window – even on your counter – so people can always find out more about you. Then, as a ‘favourite’ URP/URL, your customers can access your business from anywhere, any time that suits them.
  5. Use the image gallery page to show great aspects of your business, such as your history, your renovations, your new products, your awards and your staff. Caption each image to provide interesting information. We see galleries used to show menu items at restaurants, drinks at bars, on-special items in fashion stores, car parts on special at an auto store – even special antiques and collectible items from bric-a-brac stores. Use your sales and marketing imagination here.
  6. UnRealAR also provides for video and audio files in its upgraded packages, which can give you a real communication advantage with loyal customers and potential customers.
  7. With UnRealAR, you are not dealing with a machine, robot or algorithm, you are dealing with people. Eventually, as they are appointed, they are local people. That’s right, UnRealAR is setting up a local service structure in which you deal with a qualified person in your region. And that person lives in your orbit (we call them Orbiteers) and they have a passion for helping your community to thrive and your local economy to grow. After all, they are part of it too.
  8. We donate URPs to charitable and sporting bodies in your community. It’s how we try to help the same organizations that you, as a local small business, also want to help. Most importantly, we are helping everyone to learn more about your region by geo-locating knowledge to inform, educate and entertain locals and visitors alike. You can be part of that too. Speak to your local Orbiteer.
  9. UnRealAR is a geo-located knowledge platform, the world’s first. As a subscriber, you ‘own’ and control your place on our platform (we call it your UNrealEstate). It is not social media. And it is unlike any other international platform in one major respect: We do not collect user data, other than what we publish. We do not use your data for advertising purposes and we certainly do not ‘sell’ your data or provide it to third parties. That makes UnRealAR a very unusual tech platform indeed.
  10. Best of all, UnRealAR costs just $90 (+GST) a year. It’s fully functional. It’s under your control. It’s amazing. It’s UnReal.
  11. Once you have joined UnRealAR, you can make money out of the advertising you place on your site. Each site has a 300x250 pixels rectangular ad that appears at the top of your main URP page, just above where you would place your Specials and Latest News. You can place advertising made up to those dimensions, in 72 dpi, by using the Ad button in the Media and Social tab on your URP control area. Select your pre-made artwork, and save it to your URP. It costs just $22 (inc GST) each time you upload an ad. But you can charge whatever you like for your ad space ($100, $100-a-month, $500?... it’s up to you and the marketing partnerships you make. You can do up to three (3) of these as rotating ads on the $99 subscription and five (5) ads on the $149 subscription. This is a brand-new opportunity for you extend your brand, thank your partners by providing complementary advertising, or make regular income through your UNrealEstate.
  12. Use your imagination and innovate by using UnRealAR to help your customers, help your community and, over the long run, develop your business in ways that have not been possible before.
Manage your URPs through our easy-to-use personal Dashboard. You can also easily create new URPs as well.
Here is an example of how easy it is to update and improve your URPs by adding new information and images through this series of forms. You can make changes and add new information 24/7.
Each URP has its own QR Code, which you can add to brochures, pamphlets, business cards and stickers to direct people straight to your site.
Here is a great example of how to use your URP’s gallery. This particular URP introduces visitors to the Tenterfield Soundtrail walking audio tour. Other galleries could be used for menu images by a café or special sale items in a retail shop.
Here is the map view for that same Tenterfield Soundtrail URP, showing the tour’s starting point.
Here is the advertising position, should you choose to use it. We charge $22 (inc GST) to load a new ad up, but you can charge your suppliers or partners your own agreed price. We suggest a $100 minimum and your URP can become a profit centre in its own right.

UnRealAR for Bigger (and the Biggest) Businesses …

Everything in the preceding 12 points about UnRealAR that applies to small-and-medium businesses applies directly to bigger businesses.

It is still fundamentally about using UnRealAR to communicate better in your local communities, help local economies, and make a positive difference to local people – your customers, potential customers and, of course, staff.

The big difference is, you are probably operating in many local communities – and you may need more URPs to cover your territory, or cover various aspects of your business or businesses.

This, of course, also means you have more UNrealEstate available to draw advertising from suppliers and, perhaps, local merchants – or you could use some of your ad space for community messaging that helps your local area.

You will instinctively know how to tailor UnRealAR to draw your local customers closer. But just to help spur your imagination, and stir your marketing department’s creative juices, here are a few examples:


Hotels and resorts can use several URPs on each property to assist different kinds of customers – and build your brand as an innovator.

For example, one URP could provide a property overview and links to your booking system. It could provide current specials and your loyalty program information. Another could provide historical information and images of your site, which may be of interest to visitors and locals alike.

Other URPs could be allocated to, and controlled by, managers at Restaurants (for, say, menus and specials), Bars (menus and entertainment), Recreational Facilities (class times, health and fitness messages, special benefits) and – in a new way of interrelating with business guests – Conferences. Use a URP to personalize each conference, using the conference logo and publishing the day’s itinerary, program, presenter bios and useful links. For Conferences, the URP could also be utilized by the organizer as part of the package, allowing instant updates and reminders to conference participants – who have all been given the relevant QR code.

Each URP has a unique QR code. The codes can be used on window stickers, cards, brochures and conference material, to assist your guests.

Remember, the more URPs a property is using, the more potential there is to draw income from your advertising spaces – from suppliers, commercial partners, local tourism bodies and local service providers. Or you may prefer to use your advertising space as a community service area, highlighting local attractions. It’s up to you.

And who knows what innovations you may bring through, every day, for your customers and guests, using UnRealAR.

Get in touch with us in the first instance by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let us know whether you would prefer an e-mailed information response or a call back from your regional Orbiteer, and we guarantee an UnReal human being will be in touch within hours.


Big companies with large footprints, such as resources locations, mine sites or industrial facilities, can use their URPs in many practical ways, to communicate better with different publics.

For example, there could be a URP geo-located at different secure entrances to properties with contact information on how to access the site, including links to secure entry services. URPs could be used for designated areas with specific safety information. URPs could be allocated for internal news and information useful for staff.

Similar to hotels and resorts, big resources and industrial companies can use a selection of URPs to inform visitors and the public of historical site information, environmental programs on the site, Indigenous cultural information – even local wildlife programs and vegetation rehabilitation work can be explained and mapped. These URPs can be created in conjunction with local interest groups, especially in the tourism and education sectors. Perhaps even donated to those groups.

UnRealAR provides a very useful new tool set to manage and communicate special events and business news to the public, geo-located to each site. Use your UNrealEstate to build relationships with local communities that can help everyone to prosper.

Get in touch with us in the first instance by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let us know whether you would prefer an e-mailed information response or a call back from your regional Orbiteer, and we guarantee an UnReal human being will be in touch within hours.


There are innumerable ways that UnRealAR can help national and international brands to do business better, build rapport with local communities, assist local economies and profit from doing so. By joining us and utilizing UnRealAR in innovative ways, your staff will be among the first to notice an exciting new vibe.

Usually, doing business better – and communicating more effectively with people – means your business will develop more profitably over the long term. What UnReal offers you are UNusual advantages in building your brand reputation while genuinely helping local communities and economies in many ways. Ways that have not been possible before the advent of UnRealAR.

We have all sorts of ideas we’d like to share with you. We bet you’ll have all sorts of ideas on how your brand can utilize and profit from UnRealAR too.

Get in touch with us in the first instance by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let us know whether you would prefer an e-mailed information response or a call back from your Orbiteer, and we guarantee an UnReal human being will be in touch within hours.

Tourism Queensland image (Wintergarden complex)

Take control of your UNrealEstate – take control of your brand’s future with UnRealAR.

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